Classification, selection of suction heads and use of pipettes
发布时间:2023-10-17 13:34:28
As a consumable used in combination with the pipette, the suction head can be divided into standard suction head, filter cartridge suction head, and low adsorption suction head according to the different applications. 1, standard suction head is the most widely used suction head, almost all pipette operation can use ordinary suction head, which is the most economical type of suction head. 2, filter cartridge suction is a consumable designed to avoid cross contamination, often used in molecular biology, cytology, virology and other experiments. 3, for experiments with high sensitivity requirements, or precious samples or reagents that are easy to remain, low adsorption heads can be selected to improve the recovery rate. The surface of the low adsorption head has been treated with hydrophobic treatment, which can reduce the low surface tension liquid left more residue in the head. |