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Wuxin new material teaches you what is a tip? What is a good tip?
发布时间:2022-05-18 09:09:03

As a consumable used in conjunction with a pipette, tips can generally be divided into: ①. Standard tips, ②. Filter tips, ③. Low adsorption tips, ④. No heat source tips, etc.

1. Standard tips are widely used tips, and common tips can be used for almost all pipetting operations, which is the most affordable type of tips.

2. The filter tip is a consumable designed to avoid cross-contamination, and is often used in experiments such as molecular biology, cytology, and virology.

3. For experiments with high sensitivity requirements, or precious samples or reagents that are easy to remain, you can choose low adsorption tips to improve recovery. The surface of the low adsorption tip has been hydrophobic treatment, which can reduce the low surface tension liquid leaving more residue in the tip.

PS: Wide mouth pipette, ideal for sucking sticky material, genomic DNA, cell culture medium;

Performance indicators of the tip: low adsorption, filter element, tightness, loading and ejecting force, no DNase and RNase, no pyrogen;
